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DDNP Consultation (Reg 14):
Major Modifications


Following feedback on the pre-submission draft of the DDNP, we have made some major modifications to the policies, and need to consult once again. This second focussed consultion on these modifications is now open.


The consultation will run for six weeks, and is open from Thursday 24th March '22 to Thursday 5th May '22. 


Why are we consulting again?


As you may know, we have been working hard on the Diss and District Neighbourhood Plan (DDNP) and have already carried out a first consultation on the draft plan – called the Regulation 14 consultation. We had a very good response with plenty of feedback from residents, stakeholders, the local planning authorities and various government agencies. 


In response to this feedback, we intend to make some changes to the Plan.


Many of these changes are minor, but a few are major modifications to policies, and as such we feel it is appropriate to consult again. The consultation will focus on these major changes as it is not necessary to consult on the whole plan again


The major modifications that we will be consulting on include:


  • An amended policy on the scale and location of housing growth

  • A new policy on the regeneration of the Waveney Quarter, in Diss

  • A new policy on the Diss Business Park

  • A new policy on surface water management, including managing flood risk. 

  • An amended policy in Local Green Space


You can read a summary of these modifications here, or scroll down to launch the full consultation document .


There will be many smaller modifications within the final submission version of the plan, but we are not consulting on these, just the major modifications listed above. 


What is a Regulation 14 Consultation?

It's an important milestone on the development of the DDNP, and whilst it is unusual to have a second Regulation 14 consultation, it was, given the complexity of the DDNP, not unexpected.


You can read the Major Modifications below, it will launch as a PDF document. You can also give your feedback, via a short online questionnaire that just asks questions about the major modifications proposed. 


Click the blue button to launch the Major Modifications Document in full.  

Click the orange button to launch the online feedback questionnaire. 

Reading printed versions of the Plan ...

A large print  'Word' version of the feedback form is available here to download and complete. If you, or someone you know, would prefer to read a printed copy the Major Modifications Document,  please contact your DDNP Steering Group Representative(s) via your local parish council or Diss Town Council. Their contact details are on the 'parish pages' of this website. 

Evidence Reports: these accompany the DDNP, and can be read alongside it. They are not being consulted on.

Independent Reports from AECOM

AECOM is an independent planning consultancy engaged to prepare the technical assessment documents that must form part of a neighbourhood plan's suite of supporting documents. You can read their reports below.

A third Site Options and Assessment Additional Sites Focussed Report (SOA) has been undertaken for the DDNP by AECOM. It assesses twenty new sites, and of those, five are deemed suitable for allocation.  The two earlier reports (2019 and 2020) can be viewed in the Documents area of this site

Two Habitats Regulations Assessments (HRAs) have been undertaken to determine the likely impact the DDNP will have on designated wildlife sites including Special Protection Areas, Special Areas of Conservation and Ramsar sites. In particular, it assesses the likely impact of new residential development. The HRAs have been undertaken by a qualified ecologist and conclude that there will be no adverse effects. Please read the 2022 version which supports this  second consultation. You can view the accompanying map HERE

Two Strategic Environmental Assessments (SEAs) have been undertaken on the DDNP to ensure that environmental aspects, such as climate change, biodiversity and heritage, are adequately considered in the plan’s development. The assessments include considering the impact of site allocations and assesses a number of reasonable alternatives, a process that has helped inform the DDNP’s final allocations. Please read the latest SEA, that was published in March '22 and suppports this second consultation.

Click the green link below to launch the original draft of the DDNP, which is already out of date. Please note, this version is currently being amended and will be finalised when this second consultation ends. It will then become the draft that will be submitted to the district councils for the next stage of the Plan's creation. 



The Design Codes, recently revised, are also available to view, just click the purple button to the left. 


The DDNP is the result of extensive public consultation, and you can read more on the first consultation here. The reports are by parish, and formed the basis of the current plan. A follow up consultation was then conducted, and the results can be read here. Thank you to everyone who took part - we couldnt have got to this stage without you!

If you have a question, please email us at: or contact your local parish council, or your DDNP steering group representative


Thank you

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