Design Codes
The DDNP through the Government’s Neighbourhood Planning Technical Support Programme commissioned AECOM to produce a Design Codes handbook.
The main objectives of this report were to develop design guidelines - or a design code - for the neighbourhood plan that will inform and influence the design of future planning applications and residential developments in the DDNP area. The DDNP has worked closely with AECOM to ensure the most important points were covered.
This report is intended to support other existing guidance such as the South Norfolk Placemaking Guide. Too often in the past the design of estates in Diss has been poor with developers wanting to maximise the number of homes and being happy to claim they comply with national policy and make efficient use of the land. This is not always true as we have at times been left with poor layout, inadequate parking provision and lack of accessibility for emergency vehicles. Often little thought is given to refuse storage and collection leaving us with bins everywhere. Our plan aims to address as many of these issues as possible.
The handbook covers many aspects of development design including street layout, parking provision and of course high-quality housing in characterwith the Placemaking guide. It also covers street furniture like waste storage and cycle storage as shown in the photographs.
Planning officers are obliged to take notice of all documents in the DDNP including the Design Codes.
With your support at referendum the plan will be adopted protecting the design and layout of new developments
