Thank you!
We had 69 people complete the Issues & Options survey for Scole out of a total of 961. The results can be viewed below.
As a result of the survey, a number of new sites and local green spaces were suggested, and we are required to consult again on these.
We plan to do this in November, so please watch this space!

Issues & Options (1) Consultation Feedback
November 2020

Scole is the largest parish in South Norfolk. Its character is dominated by the landscape of the Waveney Valley with the A143, which provides extensive views to the north and south.
The village has a population of about 1500 consisting of many young or retired families together with a number of new arrivals who add to the generations of local families. The old Roman Road passing through Scole Village was badly congested with traffic up until the time when the village benefited from two bypasses constructed during the 1990’s.
There is currently a problem of traffic using the village as a short cut between Diss and the A143 in both directions, and also between the A143 and A140, again in both directions.
This traffic often ignores the 30 and 40 mph speed limits, which impacts on the safety of pedestrians and local traffic, and in particular passing by the primary school which has no dedicated safe crossing.
Scole village has a small shop but sadly no longer a post office which has had a detrimental impact on the whole parish community in particular the elderly.
Scole Conservation Area Character Appraisal, 2017, by South Norfolk Council
For more information about Scole Click here for the Parish Council website.

Steering Group Representatives for Scole are Dola Ward and Graham Moore
Local issues:
A larger parish meeting place is needed
Rat running traffic, including HGVs, needs to be reduced
Safe pedestrian / cyclists access to and from Diss
Conservation and management of the River Waveney environment by developing Scole Pocket Path and a river walk
Housing development needs to be in keeping with a rural community