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The Neighbourhood Plan is being developed by local people working together to improve the quality of life for the people who live, work and visit Diss and surrounding villages.

Your local councils have agreed to support and work with you to decide what is important for our communities.

It’s not just about housing, it’s about everything else that goes with it – including employment, leisure, health, education, roads, transport and other infrastructure.


Why are the Parishes working together?


The smaller parishes would like to have a say about where and how development happens in their areas, but felt they couldn’t each develop a Neighbourhood Plan on their own.


The villages look to Diss for most of their services, shops and traders and for employment and public transport. Diss in turn can only thrive with the support of those living in the surrounding area. By working together, the local community can create a plan for the whole area that will benefit all of us.

What is involved?


By having in-depth conversations with our local communities, we can provide evidence about the current issues and identify opportunities for future development, helping to improve the quality of life for all those who live, work and visit. By using this information and as much other relevant evidence that we can gather, we can develop policies with which all future planning applications will have to comply once the Plan is complete.


There is a statutory procedure that we must follow; the final stage is a referendum where all the electors in the Neighbourhood Plan Area will have the opportunity to vote on the Plan. To be formally adopted, over 50% of the votes must be in favour. It is expected the process will take at least two years, but probably longer given the complexity of this Plan.

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