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Diss and District Neighbourhood Plan 202

Welcome to the DDNP Regulation14 Consultation homepage 

What is a Regulation 14 Consultation?


It's an important milestone on the development of the DDNP, and it's the first time the entire plan (just over 100 pages of it!) can be shared in full with the people who helped create it - that's YOU!


It's the opportunity for you to read through the Plan to give your feedback on the policies it contains - and you can do that by completing a quick feedback questionnaire. The link is at the bottom of this page, or you can email 


A public event is currently being arranged for the weekend of Friday July 2nd (12 - 2pm), Saturday 3rd and Sunday 4th (10am - 3pm) at the Corn Hall, St Nicholas Street, Diss. It's a great opportunity to drop in and find out more, ask questions and give feedback.


The Corn Hall cafe will be open.


Want to get up to speed on all this fast? Read the Press Release about this Consultation.


The consultation opens Wednesday 23rd June 2021, and the closing date to receive all comments on the Plan is 5pm Wednesday August 18th 2021.


Click the buttons below to read the Plan, and the three evidence reports.
Evidence Reports:
Reading printed versions of the Plan ...

Neighbourhood Plans, and especially this one, are lengthy documents designed to help planning officers decide on planning applications.


However, reading a 100-page document on a screen isn't ideal, and not everyone is online, so a limited number of printed versions of the Plan, plus the feedback form, will be available to loan out over the consultation period. Please contact your local parish to arrange collection.





Independent Reports from AECOM

This Consultation will close 
5pm Wednesday 18th August 2021 

A Habitats Regulations Assessment (HRA) has been undertaken to determine the likely impact the DDNP will have on designated wildlife sites including Special Protection Areas, Special Areas of Conservation and Ramsar sites. In particular, it assesses the likely impact of new residential development. The HRA has been undertaken by a qualified ecologist and concludes that there will be no adverse effects. 

A Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) has been undertaken on the DDNP to ensure that environmental aspects, such as climate change, biodiversity and heritage, are adequately considered in the plan’s development. The assessment includes considering the impact of site allocations and assesses a number of reasonable alternatives, a process that has helped inform the DDNP’s final allocations.  


The DDNP is the result of extensive public consultation, and you can read more on the first consultation here. The reports are by parish, and formed the basis of the current plan. A follow up consultation was then conducted, and the results can be read here. Thank you to everyone who took part - we couldnt have got to this stage without you!

If you have a question, please email us at:   The inbox is checked regularly, but if your query is urgent, please contact your local parish, or your DDNP steering group representative

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